I miss it.

We've come along way, since those days,
The days when we used to play around with our kick-bikes all day outside
Villa 76,
A long way since we wrote our names on the white walls of
Al muntaza Compound,
I remember those days, life was so easy,
The only trouble we ever had was fighting with eachother,
Stupid fights about pandas and beanie babies,
Do you remember?
It's been a long time since life felt as easy as it did,
As it did back in the days ,
The days when we went to abela every thursday to buy candy,
When we found cool shells on the beach, and "diamonds" in the desert,
When our main friday entertainment was going to lifestyle and staying for hours, just looking around,
We had our whole life infront of us, and most of our childhood too,
We had no clue about the small yet hard difficulties that life can bring,
We talked about it once, and just the thought of it made us cry.
Those were the days.
We were Happy ,
And we had no idea,
No idea, of what was coming.

I remember the day when you showed me that song,
The song that makes me want to cry,
Both happy tears and sad tears,
There is no desciption that fits in with the feeling i feel when i listen to it,
It gives me goosebumps,
I guess it just makes me remember,
Remember the days,
The days which turned out to be the happiest days of my life.


Postat av: Madde :D

Har du skrivit själv? :O
Jättefint iallafall :)

2008-03-14 @ 18:11:31
URL: http://www.mariaingridmadeleine.blogg.se
Postat av: paula

yup , eftersom den handlar om mig :) . och mina dubai tider.

2008-03-15 @ 15:48:05
URL: http://paulasimons.webblogg.se
Postat av: Madde :D

Jaa, det var jattefint skriet iallafall :)

2008-03-15 @ 22:40:03
URL: http://www.mariaingridmadeleine.blogg.se
Postat av: paula

thanx :)
jag kan om jag vill :P
fast det är INTE ofta jag vill ;D

2008-03-17 @ 13:35:09
URL: http://paulasimons.webblogg.se

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